24 noiembrie 2008

are we human? or are we dancer..?

tocmai ce am terminat de vazut The O.C. . toate 4 seriile. acuma...desi toata lumea stie, mie tot mi se pare de mentionat :P ..cele 4 sezoane le-am vazut intr-o ordine putin ciudata, adica prima data S4, apoi S3, S1 si la sfarsit S2. totusi, am inteles cam ce era de inteles, si a reusit sa se plaseze sus acolo, la serialele mele preferate. might be lame, dar mie tot imi place:).
pt astia care v-ati uitat..tineti minte ca intr-un episod au cantat The Killers, acolo in baru ala, a lu Alex :>. aveau o melodie faina si pe atunci, da' mie imi place una care o tot aud la Guerrilla, Human ii zice. o pun aici sa auziti si voi. e chiar faina. in rest..nu stiu ce sa zic de trupa...banuiesc ca e ok.stiti voi mai multe;)

The Killers - Human

23 noiembrie 2008

modern life

Imi da tema la engleza, profa, de fapt ne da la toti, da io o scriu pe blog. nu stiu daca is singuru, da' nu prea ma intereseaza pt ca...nu vreau sa stiu ce scriu ceilalti. pt ca nu ma intereseaza. uite..io aici expun mareata opera de arta sub-subterana, tema mea la engleza despre, citez: "write an article about the positive effects of modern day living. In what ways are we happier than the previous generation?". asta ca sa stiti despre ce ii vorba :).

What about modern day living? Is it modern at all? Well, that's a question I'd like to find the answer to. In my opinion, the way we live nowadays is a reinterpretation of the way our predecessors way of life. But in modern terms. I don't know if we are happier than our elders. Specially in our private life, we are less happier, mainly because we're living in the 21st century, which is also named the century of speed. The problem is in which ways is the speed used. We use speed in leaving home, we use speed in reaching our workplace or school, we even use speed by phone-calling someone instead of seeing that person. This leak of face-to-face moments made us even forget who we're talking to. That makes us isolate ourselves and decreases our happiness level. But this is not the only way our modern life influences our way of living. There are also many good things about it. For example we have television and internet which is are wonderful ways of entertaining and learning. You can find huge archives of whatever you want on the internet, and is impossible not to enjoy something. If you are one of those unique cases in which you are not able to use the computer or the remote control, don't panic, we now have cinema and we still can enjoy theater and symphonic concerts or even opera. And yes, the mobile phone also has a good side: you can talk to people you want to talk even if they are miles away from you.

In conclusion, I can say that are many modern ways of being happy but we shouldn't forget the old ways, because they were also made for the same purpose and maybe their creators were people smarter than we are.

Now playing: Maria Mena - Nevermind Me
via FoxyTunes

14 noiembrie 2008

soarta, numai ea

"Madness is like...gravity: all it takes is a little .. push :)" - LE: found it!

Sa tii un blog pe picioare implica o oarecare responsabilitate. bine, nu e foarte mare, dar e acolo, mica si sfrijita(:>), ca un pui de curca udat cu ulei si lasat in frig, iarna. aaaamm...da. eu cred ca pe puiu asta de curca il cheama "scrie ceva pe blogu ala daca tot il ai". e un nume cam ciudat, si adevaru e ca nu m-am gandit prea mult inainte sa i-l dau. dar, numele-i e dat, si asa ramane:).
soarta. ce e soarta? nu va intereseaza, o traiti in fiecare zi si nu o bagati in seama. ei bine, soarta! i-am auzit pe multi zicand ca nu cred in soarta. parerea mea e ca soarta a vrut ca tu sa nu crezi in soarta. soarta e tot ce faci. daca nu iti place sa ii zici soarta, poti sa ii zici vointa divina. dar din moment ce inseamna acelasi lucru, eu merg pe varianta mai scurta. soarta a vrut sa merg pe varianta mai scurta;). si soarta vrea ca tu sa citesti astea acum. si nu mai tarziu. pt ca nu le poti citi mai tarziu. deja le citesti, si asta e acum. ma simt fericit, de parca as fi descoperit America, genul ala de fericire, desi stiu ca nu-s io ala inovativ, cu idei briliante. dar, daca nu ma invinuiesc pe mine, invinuiesc soarta. mi-am adus aminte chiar acu de o intamplare petrecuta acum cateva luni. eram inca in timpul scolii..adica inainte de vacanta de vara. si, fiind pe messenger, intru pe un prieten si ii zic ca "vreau sa vorbim despre ceva". era ceva aiurea, o concluzie a unei intamplari precedente, si mai mult, fara nicio legatura cu niciuna din parti. dar, n-am apucat sa ii zic despre ce e vorba, si a deschis un alt subiect...sa zic...evitabil pt mine acum. atunci nu. eram chiar foarte..introdus:)). dupa scurt timp l-a inchis, rece si urat, ca puiu de curca. de fapt nu a fost urat, dar mie nu mi-a placut. si n-am mai apucat sa vorbim despre subiectul la care ma gandeam eu.
Din povestioara ce tocmai v-am zis-o, eu zic ca se evidentiaza foarte bine soarta. stiti voi cum e..., vroiam sa vorbesc ceva, dar soarta a considerat ca trebuie sa vorbesc despre altceva, si iata ca am vorbit despre altceva. la fel cum soarta a vrut sa uit un citat care mi-a placut, si acum trebuie sa ma pun pe cautat pt ca tin neaparat sa il scriu aici. soarta a vrut sa cititi, dragi cititori. dati vina pe ea daca nu va place.
e frig ... afara.

Now playing: After Forever - Between Love And Fire
via FoxyTunes

13 noiembrie 2008

articol cu ghilimele - despre vicii

conform DEX-ului, viciu inseamna o sumedenie de lucruri. chiar sunt foarte multe. eu insa, ma leg de cele uzuale: fum, alcool, aaa, droguri... e un subiect cam delicat, cred eu. si cu cateva minute in urma aveam niste idei care m-ar fi scapat de pauza asta de acu. pauza de fraze coerente, bineinteles. doar ca atunci mancam, si cum mananc la masa, si masa e in bucatarie, nu am putut scrie. e complicat, stiu :). totusi, vorbeam de vicii. nu inteleg...desi eu nu inteleg mult prea multe lucruri pt a le expune intr-un articol, sau in mai multe...nu inteleg de ce exista notiunea asta de "addict" ahm... de "nu ma pot lasa" sau... "dependenta" ( nu stiu de ce am pus in ghilimele). daca vrei sa te lasi de ceva, te lasi. nu? nu stiu cum te poti atasa de o tigara, sau de un pahar de .... ceva. e lipsit de orice valoare. nu conteaza, oamenilor...nu.. si, cum adica, ai fumat o data, apoi o sa vrei si a doua oara, si a treia si a patra si tot asa, pana ajungi sa dai foarte multi bani zilnic pe un pachet sau mai multe. te lasi, simplu. zici ca nu mai vrei, si nu mai faci lucru ala. trebuie sa stii intotdeauna sa te opresti. trebuie sa ai controlul. de fapt, ai intotdeauna controlul. si da, exista si momentul in care il pierzi, si atunci e un moment foarte important, fooaaarte important. ei bine, atunci trebuie sa ai cojones si sa ceri ajutor. daca esti las, si mizerabil, si jegos si nu ceri ajutorul, o sa mori. si pt ca ti-ai cauzat singur moartea, o sa fii un sinucigas. in ultima vreme mai toti sinucigasii sunt considerati emo. nu vrei sa fii considerat emo, nu-i asa? e destul de penibil. o sa rad de tine. :)
In concluzie, iata doua variante:
1) nu te apuci niciodata de "prostii";
2) daca te apuci, totusi, relaxeaza-te, bea un ceai ( vezi ca e bun in "kashmir"), apoi gandeste-te cum sa te lasi. daca n-ai idei, mai gandeste-te. daca totusi nu-ti vin, si lumea iti zice ca esti cam "livin' on the edge", cere ajutor.

lalalalala...lalalalala...lalala..lala..la.lalalalalalala !!!
Now playing: Coldplay - Ladder To The Sun (Live)
Now playing: Coldplay - Gold In Them Hills
via FoxyTunes

9 noiembrie 2008

iremediabil. poate doar cu putere divina, sau apocaliptica

Ce inseamna pt tine international? sau, mai bine zis, la ce te gandesti cand auzi international? la o singura tara? la doua, maxim, incredibil? eu ma gandesc la cel putin o suta, sau fara sa exagerez, douazeci. ei bine, uite ca stimatii organizatori ai "Expozitiei INTERNATIONALE de carte" din frumosul nostru oras gandesc altfel. gandesc ca tine, poate, cum ca international = max doua tari, sau natiuni bineinteles.
ieri trebuia sa merg la o expozitie(sa fi fost lansare, sau prezentare?) de Linux, o varianta a lui. doar ca am ratat ocazia, fiind indrumat spre Teatrul National, la ora 5. nu e vina indrumatorului, in niciun caz, nici a mea, cred. e vina celor care ne-au chemat in sala festiva vineri, dupa prima ora de info. uite, fac o paranteza maaare si iti explic :) (cum avem vinerea doua ore de info, in prima am dat un scurt test, dupa care am vorbit. printre vorbe, profu ne-a aruncat o informatie cum ca o sa fie prezentarea asta. eu am auzit un 5, altii au auzit un T.N. . am presupus ca e la 5 dupa-amiaza, la T.N. . si m-am dus) . oricum, la T.N. , sambata, la ora 5, era in desfasurare expozitia de carte mai sus mentionata. internationala zici, huh? ce zici de 10 volume scrise in engleza, 30 (sunt generos, foarte generos) de volume scrise in romana, si restu scrise in maghiara fluenta. si erau multe, crede-ma! stiu, incerc sa ma obisnuiesc, si ma lupt alaturi de resemnare pt acceptarea acestei anomalii normale, zic ei, dar mi-e greu. sincer. as fi vrut un pliant macar scris in materna mea limba. unu. sau jumate. o hartiuta de marimea unu pachet de Tic-Tac. am primit doua reviste in maghiara, din care fireste ca n-am inteles nimic. stateam ca prostu la semafor si ma uitam zambind la poze (erau rashi :X). dezamagitor.

6 noiembrie 2008

The 5th of November

Remember, remember the 5th of November.

Like it couldn't be any better after a week of deep shit school and half a week of extraordinary good school milk, Wednesday, the 5th of November, we began a train trip of about 60 minutes, no further than Ideciu. Actually, the station is called Idiciu, a fact I didn't manage to figure out, not even after three times of visiting the nice, calm, silent, warm and cold, fun and even funnier, secret XI-B's getaway.

More about the 5th of November you should know by yourself if you're English, from the internet or other information sources if you're from the English speaking countries around the world, or don't give a damn about and less if you're from Romania. But, for the Englishmen is a really big holiday. Apart from the historical meaning, Bonfire night also represents the day of Democracy in England. And I think also in Scotland and that good-for-nothing Wales.

The fact is that on the 5th of November (geez I'm repeating myself) 1605, a group of catholic freaks, led by a guy named Guy Fawkes, had in plan to burn down the Houses of Parliament in London, with the Royal Family inside. I have to mention that the King (can't remember H.R.M.'s name) was protestant, maybe even Anglican if not Lutheran. But, Guy had been caught by some other guys, and he didn't manage to set on fire under the Parliament. Because he was judged and convicted for treason (d'ooh), he had his ass burned on a stick. After being tortured. And poked in the eye. And I think that's all about that specific day. Since then, it's a tradition to make a bonfire or a campfire or whatsoever on bonfire night. A friend of mine(ours) told us that on that night, if you take a flight over the countryside of England you will see the ground very similar to the sky, filled with little or bigger lights, and a lot of smoke.

Enough talking about history, what happened happened.

Now, recent history, meaning yesterday! We took a train to Ideciu, there we met our friend from England who's party we were going to join. We met his wife (am I wrong?) on the train, and we spoke about tons of stuff with her, including harming animals and teachers. Then, we put the wine on the fire, we let it boil a little, added spices, as “scortisoara, nucsoara, cuisoare” and transformed it into “vin fiert”. Then, as the night fell down we put the potatoes in the fire, raw as they were, then we ate them. With margarine, and zakuska and bread. We had a loooong talk, we had a great time, great laughing and more or less good jokes. Our hosts managed to get another animal off the streets, which I named Gerry, but in the end its name was still unknown. We almost lost the train back home, but at the end of the day turned out well, because even if we bought tickets for second class, we traveled in first class =D. We fell asleep on the train, we took pictures which I hope I'll upload soon on the blog and we got scared when we saw a station on which was written “Targu Mures”, but fortunately it was the wrong one, so when we got off the train, we did it in the proper station. The way back home was simply boring, so I shouldn't have mentioned it. I got home, I fell asleep, again, and in the morning, when the clock rang, I was completely wasted.

Nice day yesterday. That's what I'm going to say. Everyday.

P.S. : in the picture you can see that guy...aaa... Guy Fawkes.

And in the end, a little song I found on the net:


Poke him in the eye,

Put him on the bonfire,

Let him die!

Now playing: AC-DC - T.N.T.
Now playing: AC-DC - Shoot To Thrill
Now playing: AC-DC - Moneytalks
Now playing: AC-DC - Let There Be Rock
Now playing: AC-DC - Jailbreak
Now playing: AC-DC - The Jack
Now playing: AC-DC - You Shook Me All Night Long
Now playing: AC-DC - High Voltage
via FoxyTunes

4 noiembrie 2008

cica gluma...

:)) intr-o dimineata, vorbea maica-sa cu fi-su:
- La multi ani!, mami..
- Mersiiii. cum de cateodata esti asa de scump? ;;);;)
- E vina inflatiei :|.

=))=))=)) nu va zic autorul:>
mie mi s-a parut fooaaarte amuzanta, am ras si-am adunat prafu de pe jos un mileniu cred.


Now playing: H.I.M. - Close To The Flame
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: H.I.M. - Buried Alive By Love
via FoxyTunes

3 noiembrie 2008

Povestea unui bec

Uite aici link-ul la un articol nou, pe un alt blog. Nu pe "un alt blog...", pe "wet match". foarte tari articolele de acolo, scriu impreuna cu o prietena :)
Povestea unui bec